Tell your story

Over the next few weeks, Volunteer Centre Hackney will be collecting stories from volunteers about their time with us. The coronavirus crisis has led to huge changes in the ways we live our lives. From the way we work, to the way we interact with our community – little has been left untouched by its

Over the next few weeks, Volunteer Centre Hackney will be collecting stories from volunteers about their time with us. The coronavirus crisis has led to huge changes in the ways we live our lives. From the way we work, to the way we interact with our community – little has been left untouched by its impact. We hope to bring together a collection of stories to help to understand these uncertain times, and how our volunteers, and their communities reacted to them.

We want to hear from you about your volunteering journeys. How you got to where you are, what you get out of it, and what you have learnt from the experience.

As part of our efforts to collate these stories, we’d love to hear from people who would be happy to be interviewed. This will take place online via Zoom and will be written up, but we’d also love you to have a go at recording your responses yourself on a smartphone.

We’d also welcome responses that express the creative flair of each individual – so if you have a passion for words, or art and would like to have your thoughts reflected through these mediums, such as a song or poem, we’d love to hear from you.

For more information about how to take part, please contact communications@vchackney,org

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