Our Place

Hackney is one of the most income-deprived areas in the country, and people are being hit hard by the cost of living crisis. Do you have an idea for something that could make a difference in your community?

Our Place can help you bring an idea to life. We provide free space, training, and support for non-profit ideas.

About the service

Lots of residents have already made an impact: they’ve set up coat swaps, food pantries, and childcare support groups. Whatever your idea is, we can give you the tools to make it happen at one of our community hubs in Alpine Grove and Stamford Hill.

Our Place tackles loneliness, poverty, and anti-social behaviour. It's giving the community a spirit and the volunteers a purpose in their communities.

Hackney Volunteer

Want to know more?

If you want to learn more about previous projects, how to get started, how to support us, or want to talk to us about your idea, get in touch with Claire.

Claire Ferrigi

Our Place Programme Manager