A vibrant and inspiring Spring Volunteer Fair

Over 70 people attended the VCH’s Spring Volunteer Fair on Thursday 26th April at the Hackney Museum, and met with organisations including Abney Park, Young Hackney, Hackney Pirates, Into University, Outward, City Year, Hands Inc, Volunteering Matters, Beecholme Community Garden and many more – all offering a wide range of opportunities from befriending to tutoring. ‘The event

Over 70 people attended the VCH’s Spring Volunteer Fair on Thursday 26th April at the Hackney Museum, and met with organisations including Abney Park, Young Hackney, Hackney Pirates, Into University, Outward, City Year, Hands Inc, Volunteering Matters, Beecholme Community Garden and many more – all offering a wide range of opportunities from befriending to tutoring.

‘The event had a great energy and enthusiasm…Coming to the Volunteer Fair made my day!’
Volunteer Fair Attendee

Thank you to everyone who made it such a fun and vibrant event, and a massive thank you to all our volunteers who helped out with organising the event and on the day with setting up and welcoming everyone. It wouldn’t have happened without you!

If you couldn’t make it this time, don’t panic! You can register and search for volunteer roles 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at vchackney.org and we’re open for appointments on Wednesdays and Thursdays if you would like to come and see us.

If you want to find out more about volunteering, why nt come along to our free informal, interactive workshop on Wednesday 9 May, 11am – 12noon at Volunteer Centre Hackney, where you can find the answers to all your volunteering questions. The session will be followed by 1 to 1 appointments and free refreshments. Email [email protected] to book!

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