Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream

                           Volunteer Centre Hackney and the “Our Place” project are delighted to welcome Dr Jean Louis Lamboray, founder of the international Constellation community development platform, to launch his book “What Makes Us Human” in Hackney on Wednesday 21 June from 10.30 – 12.30pm at 1 Alpine




Volunteer Centre Hackney and the “Our Place” project are delighted to welcome Dr Jean Louis Lamboray, founder of the international Constellation community development platform, to launch his book “What Makes Us Human” in Hackney on Wednesday 21 June from 10.30 – 12.30pm at 1 Alpine Grove, Hackney, London, E9 7SX.

The Our Place project is a neighbourhood based initiative led by Volunteer Centre Hackney that works with local assets and human strengths to grow community activities in the area, and build an integrated thriving community.

Jean-Louis Lamboray, author of “What Makes us Human?” and one of the co-founders of The Constellation c

ommunity development platform, will talk about how he and others have been instrumental in transforming the lives of many communities and organisations around the world. The process they devised and used is called SALT (Stimulate-Appreciate-Learn-Transfer), an approach that can be applied to any type of group of people to help them find THEIR response to whatever they need to flourish.

The stories in “What makes us human?” suggest a way forward based on the experience of thousands of communities worldwide. They take action based on their strengths to realize their dreams. Jean Louis is looking forward to learning from the experience of the voluntary and community sector in Hackney by welcoming the voices and stories of residents in Hackney to join the conversation.

This event will be of particular interest to residents of Hackney, the voluntary, community and public sector who are keen to add to their community development toolkit.

For further information, please go to the website

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Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream

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Aenean a massa facilisis, ullamcorper massa rutrum, commodo arcu. In maximus efficitur laoreet. Praesent iaculis mauris ut suscipit consectetur.


Pellentesque id hendrerit lacus, quis viverra justo. Integer nec leo pretium, mattis nulla vel, facilisis eros. Donec quis pharetra elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum vel aliquet augue, eget accumsan justo.


Quis viverra justo. Integer nec leo pretium, mattis nulla vel, facilisis ero!!!


Vestibulum vel aliquet augue, eget accumsan justo. Pellentesque id hendrerit lacus, quis viverra justo. Integer nec leo pretium, mattis nulla vel, facilisis eros. Donec quis pharetra elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. 


mattis nulla vel, facilisis eros. Donec quis pharetra elit. Vestibulum vel aliquet augue, eget accumsan justo. 


Odio quis laoreet vestibulum. Integer faucibus augue mauris. Nullam commodo tortor eu est tincidunt, non suscipit leo molestie.

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Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream

ebook overview

Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream

Chapter 1

Nulla nec augue a risus iaculis viverra vel non eros. Praesent ornare, sem faucibus auctor luctus, neque ipsum viverra nulla, eget consequat nulla mi nec felis. Nunc fringilla, metus sed laoreet dictum, nisl ligula dictum risus, et fringilla nunc sapien ullamcorper purus. Nunc venenatis ex ac eros venenatis, eget aliquam elit dignissim. Sed vitae ante vel arcu sagittis tristique eget at nulla. Metus sed laoreet dictum, nisl ligula dictum risus, et fringilla.

Chapter 2

Et fringilla nunc sapien ullamcorper purus. Nunc venenatis ex ac eros venenatis, eget aliquam elit dignissim. Sed vitae ante vel arcu sagittis tristique eget at nulla. Nulla nec augue a risus iaculis viverra vel non eros. Praesent ornare, sem faucibus auctor luctus, neque ipsum viverra nulla, eget consequat nulla mi nec felis. Nunc fringilla, metus sed laoreet dictum, nisl ligula dictum risus, et fringilla nunc sapien ullamcorper purus. Nunc venenatis ex ac eros venenatis, eget aliquam elit dignissim. Sed vitae ante vel arcu sagittis tristique eget at nulla.

Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream
Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream

Chapter 3

Praesent ornare, sem faucibus auctor luctus, neque ipsum viverra nulla, eget consequat nulla mi nec felis. Nunc fringilla, metus sed laoreet  Et fringilla nunc sapien ullamcorper purus. Nunc venenatis ex ac eros venenatis, eget aliquam elit dignissim. Sed vitae ante vel arcu sagittis tristique eget at nulla. Nulla nec augue a risus iaculis viverra vel non eros. 

About the Author

Book Launch with Our Place – What Makes Us Human? The story of a shared dream

John Doe

Nulla nec augue a risus iaculis viverra vel non eros. Praesent ornare, sem faucibus auctor luctus, neque ipsum viverra nulla, eget consequat nulla mi nec felis. Nunc fringilla, metus sed laoreet dictum, nisl ligula dictum risus, et fringilla nunc sapien ullamcorper purus. Nunc venenatis ex ac eros venenatis, eget aliquam elit dignissim. Sed vitae ante vel arcu sagittis tristique eget at nulla. Metus sed laoreet dictum, nisl ligula dictum risus, et fringilla. Nunc fringilla, metus sed laoreet dictum, nisl ligula dictum risus, et fringilla nunc sapien ullamcorper purus. Nunc venenatis ex ac eros venenatis

Morbi quam ante, malesuada id placerat sit amet, sodales nec erat. Ut imperdiet turpis a purus bibendum tincidunt a sagittis elit. Aliquam non dui feugiat ex ornare tempor. Nunc ac ornare nunc. Vestibulum sagittis imperdiet purus, eget volutpat neque rhoncus vel. Pellentesque nunc dui, consequat et erat eu, lobortis malesuada sapien. Vestibulum metus magna, pharetra eu nibh porttitor, iaculis fermentum neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec pharetra, felis a bibendum aliquam, nisi turpis aliquet dui, quis consequat dolor libero quis ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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