Brush up on the basics – Best Practice in Volunteer Management

Good volunteer recruitment and management not only increases your organisations capacity and impact, but also ensures that the time you give to supporting volunteers makes a real difference to their skills and confidence. On Thursday 19 April, Volunteer Centre Hackney is leading a Best Practice in Volunteer Management session introducing you to the key areas

Good volunteer recruitment and management not only increases your organisations capacity and impact, but also ensures that the time you give to supporting volunteers makes a real difference to their skills and confidence. On Thursday 19 April, Volunteer Centre Hackney is leading a Best Practice in Volunteer Management session introducing you to the key areas of volunteer management, policies, recruitment and support in order to develop a programme that really works for your organisation and your volunteers.  Join us at Hackney CVS’s offices on Dalston Lane from 10am – 1pm on Thursday 1 March for this practical, interactive session led by Rupal Karia, Head of Volunteering. UPDATE: This session will now take place on Thursday 19 April.

Read more about the course and book now, or take a look at the other training on offer at HCVS.
Places are just £30 for Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector organisations in Hackney, or £45 for those outside the borough.


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