Emergency Team Volunteer Recruitment

The response to the coronavirus pandemic by volunteers has been amazing. It has shown us what can be done when we all work together. As we head towards the winter months, we will need to tap into this spirit to make sure that we can keep Hackney safe. In order to keep on top of

The response to the coronavirus pandemic by volunteers has been amazing. It has shown us what can be done when we all work together. As we head towards the winter months, we will need to tap into this spirit to make sure that we can keep Hackney safe.

In order to keep on top of the impact of coronavirus in Hackney, we are looking to expand our response by recruiting a team of emergency volunteers. These volunteers will help react to the changing needs of the borough and its various community groups and charities by providing them with much needed help.

Having learnt much from our experience with coronavirus throughout the year, we hope to be able to quickly and accurately target those in most need of help in the event of a local or national lockdown. By registering, you will receive regular e-newsletter updates, featuring local volunteering opportunities aimed at responding to the impact of the coronavirus crisis.

The essential work that volunteers did during the lockdown has helped hundreds across the borough, and by signing up to join our Emergency Volunteer Team, you’ll be guaranteeing that we can continue to help when the need arises.

For more information on joining the Emergency Volunteer Team, click here.

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