‘Every race I’ve done, volunteers are my heroes.’

When one of my nieces was 5 and starting school, she turned to her older sibling and said “I have an important question. Where. Is. The. Toilet.” It IS a pretty important question, right? And just one of many that the fantastic volunteers at the Hackney Half will answer for the thousands of participants on…

Group of VCH staff grinning at Hackney Half Marathon stand, wearing VCH t-shirts and balloons

When one of my nieces was 5 and starting school, she turned to her older sibling and said “I have an important question. Where. Is. The. Toilet.”

It IS a pretty important question, right? And just one of many that the fantastic volunteers at the Hackney Half will answer for the thousands of participants on the weekend.

Every race I’ve done, volunteers are my heroes.

Need directions to the bag drop? Not sure where to go to pick up the race pack? Volunteers know the way. Need water, encouragement or Vaseline on the course? Yep, there’s a volunteer offering hydration, high fives and chafing relief. Every kind word, every shout of “You’ve got this,” and yes, every VITAL direct to the  port-a-loo. They’re that encouraging face when you’re wracked with nerves at the start and they’re the biggest cheerleader when you cross the finish line.

Spend a great day celebrating Hackney as a volunteer at this year’s Half (I’ll join you).  Sign up and meet new people or gather a group of family and friends and volunteer together. With all sort of roles, there’s something for almost everyone.

Join Colleen and find out all the details here.

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