Greening Your Community

Is there a challenge or problem you want to solve in your local area? Are you worried about air pollution flooding, or your wellbeing? Perhaps you have an idea for greening your neighbourhood and need expert help to make it happen? The London Sustainability Exchange is a charity that wants to create a more sustainable

Is there alsx challenge or problem you want to solve in your local area? Are you worried about air pollution flooding, or your wellbeing? Perhaps you have an idea for greening your neighbourhood and need expert help to make it happen?

The London Sustainability Exchange is a charity that wants to create a more srainGardenustainable London by solving local challenges with natural solutions; such as this stunning vertical garden in London Bridge (right), that collects rain water to irrigate the plants or the air squares (below), that replaces parking spaces with shielded pedestrian seating.

If  you or your airSquarescommunity have an idea or challenge you want to solve,
call us at VCH on 020 7241 4443 or contact LSX


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