Help Hackney be better prepared

Are you part of a community or voluntary sector organisation in Hackney? Join us for free training and influence local emergency planning.

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Volunteer Centre Hackney was recently awarded a small grant as part of the Mayor of London’s Community Resilience Fund. This fund supports community and voluntary sector organisations to work together with local authority emergency planning teams to increase engagement, trust and understanding  and ensure London remains prepared for future challenges.

Over the next 6 months, Volunteer Centre Hackney will be working with LB Hackney’s Emergency Planning Team to find out about your organisations’ experiences of coming together to respond to emergencies and face ongoing community issues, including climate change, the ongoing cost of living crisis and continued COVID recovery, as well as mapping what networks and facilities we have in the borough.

As well as the opportunity to have your say and influence local emergency planning, we’ll be running discussion sessions, workshops, as well as training where relevant.

Find out more

To find out more about the sessions, get in touch with our Deputy CEO, Charlotte.

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