
May Volunteering Opportunities in Hackney

Want to volunteer in Hackney over the next month? There are lots of volunteering opportunities currently available that give you the chance to support some of Hackney’s most transformative organisations. Use Instagram to help disabled people into employment as Choice in Hackney’s Social Media Volunteer. Need a role that’s flexible to your other commitments? Disability

Want to volunteer in Hackney over the next month? There are lots of volunteering opportunities currently available that give you the chance to support some of Hackney’s most transformative organisations.

Use Instagram to help disabled people into employment as Choice in Hackney’s Social Media Volunteer.

Need a role that’s flexible to your other commitments? Disability Rights UK require Distribution Volunteers to help them pack and send out things that make life easier for people with disabilities.

Help a fellow bro feel less alone! Hackney Brocals are looking for men who can volunteer either as a Befriending Bro or a Transporter Bro – either offering home-based friendship to an older bro who isn’t able to get out of the house, or driving bros in the Brocal minivan to local sites of brostorical interest.

Are you a woman with a passion for empowering girls? Girls Friendly Society are looking for volunteer Activity Leaders to help deliver fun and inspiring activities in a safe space for girls and young women.

Want to support a local social enterprise bakery? Luminary Bakery are looking for a new Chair of Trustees.

Love stories? Could you mentor in creative writing? Ministry of Stories are looking for Creative Writing Mentors for their creative writing workshops.

Help sell art produced by women in prisons as The View Magazine’s Retail Shop Volunteer.

Training to become a counsellor? Volunteer Centre Hackney are looking for a Volunteer Counsellor to support a local resident either online or face-to-face.

Help make English language classes as accessible as possible! Xenia need a Childcare Volunteer to look after the kids while their mums learn English.

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