Tell us what you think + win!

Have you volunteered in Hackney in the last 6-12 months? If so, we want to hear from you! If you’re volunteering in an ongoing role every week, have taken part in a one-off activity or event, or are still searching for your ideal role – Volunteer Centre Hackney would love to find out more about

Have you volunteered in Hackney in the last 6-12 months? If so, we want to hear from you! If you’re volunteering in an ongoing role every week, have taken part in a one-off activity or event, or are still searching for your ideal role – Volunteer Centre Hackney would love to find out more about your experience.

Take our short survey now.

Everyone who takes part can choose to be entered into a prize draw to win £20 worth of vouchers and will help VCH to continue to provide the best service we possibly can. And- it only takes 5 minutes!

We’re keen to share Hackney residents experiences of volunteering, so if you’d like to talk to us in more depth about your current volunteer role as part of a case study (which can be anonymous), please contact Charlotte or Krithika at [email protected]

If you’re still searching for your ideal volunteer role, VCH can help – just get in touch with us at [email protected] or on 020 7241 4443.

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