Supporting Hackney Residents During the Cost of Living Crisis

To help residents cope with the emotional, mental and physical challenges presented by the Cost of Living crisis, we are rallying volunteers.

Crate of potatoes

Starting this week, VCH, with support from Hackney Council, will lead efforts to pair volunteers with organisations providing services around food, warming hubs and social befriending and support. The campaign will help alleviate some of the effects of isolation, hunger and fuel-poverty, while providing residents with a way to make a positive impact on their neighbours. The campaign will stress the variety of roles, the variety of time commitments and variety of locations.

Throughout the campaign, VCH will highlight different roles available, the time required and how to get involved. Roles will range from immediate one-off opportunities to long-term, regular participation. People can find some type of role that works with their schedule, make a positive impact on their local community and experience the benefits that come with volunteering. All roles are available at VC Connect.

“We have so many flexible volunteering opportunities, which make it possible for more people to support our community in different ways,” said Lauren Tobias, CEO, Volunteer Centre Hackney. “By making roles more accessible – in terms of structure, timing, location – we’ve discovered so many good neighbours who bring their own special skills to give emotional and mental support, which is just as vital as practical support. The depth and breadth of roles within this campaign make it possible for residents to find something that fits within their life.”

Sample Roles:

  • Steward at Warming Locations: Welcome guests to warming locations around the borough, where residents can come for companionship, a cup of tea, and to get warm.
  • Befriending: Make a weekly call or visit with lonely or isolated residents.
  • Food Preparation: One-off or ongoing support at local food bank helping prepare and serve warm meals.
  • Signposting: Helping residents find where to go for additional support and services.

“Not only will you become part of a community making the difference in the lives of Hackney residents, you’ll also boost your self-confidence, develop new skills, and you’ll help improve the community you’re a part of,” said Cllr Carole Williams, Cabinet Member for Employment, Skills and Human Resources, Hackney Council.

FOR ORGANISATIONS: If you have roles that you feel match these areas of focus please let us know. Email us at [email protected] or if you’re registered with Volunteer Centre Hackney, simply add any new roles that you have to Volunteer Connect – Organisations.

Not yet registered your roles with us? In less than 5 minutes, you can be up and running, reaching new potential volunteers. Register here at Volunteer Connect – Register

FOR INDIVIDUALS: Log onto or register with VC Connect – Volunteers to search all available roles.  

For more information and images, please contact Colleen

E: [email protected] T: 020 7241 4443


Volunteer Centre Hackney (VCH) work with charities and community groups across Hackney, who are in need of valuable volunteers to provide the core of their day-to-day activities.

Situated in the heart of Dalston, VCH’s aim is to support and engage Hackney residents in sharing their skills, time and passion in their local community and creating flexible models that make it possible for more people to volunteer. By matching people to causes they are interested in, VCH hope to increase the spirit of community within Hackney.

VCH also deliver a range of projects, which enable everyone – people with disabilities or mental health needs, local employees and lone parents – to make a difference and meet life goals. Projects include Step Up, Together Better, Community Supporters, Public Health Community Champions and Our Place.

To find out more about volunteering and how to get involved, visit Volunteer Centre Hackney or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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