Volunteer Fair for Busy People a Huge Success

The sun was shining, the samba band was out and Hackney was buzzing with positive vibes. A huge thanks to all the charities that attended VCH’s Volunteer Fair for Busy People on 6th April 2017 at the Hackney Museum; Hackney Refugee Forum, CORE, Homeshare Daycare, Abney Park Trust, St Josephs’ Hospice, Hands Inc, Ivy Street…

The sun was shining, the samba band was out and Hackney was buzzing with positive vibes. A huge thanks to all the charities that attended VCH’s Volunteer Fair for Busy People on 6th April 2017 at the Hackney Museum; Hackney Refugee Forum, CORE, Homeshare Daycare, Abney Park Trust, St Josephs’ Hospice, Hands Inc, Ivy Street Family Centre, Hackney PlaybusCrisis.

All of the organsiations and roles advertised were for people who were time short and or had a specific skills they wanted to offer.

Over 70 people came to find out about how they could get involved in volunteering in Hackney. And we received some excellent feedback from organisations and volunteers:

“I can’t believe the response we have had. It was so positive. We have had loads of interest”

And last but not least, a big thank you to the Hackney Museum for hosting us, to the VCH team, our volunteers and everyone who supported this event by spreading the word and coming along. Happy Volunteering!!

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