
How to Celebrate Volunteers Week 2021

Each year, Volunteers’ Week, organised by NCVO takes place from 1 – 7 June. Last year the celebrations did not go ahead due to the pandemic, but organisations across the country are resuming their activities for this year. Volunteers’ Week is a great opportunity to acknowledge the amazing people that have been giving their time

Each year, Volunteers’ Week, organised by NCVO takes place from 1 – 7 June. Last year the celebrations did not go ahead due to the pandemic, but organisations across the country are resuming their activities for this year.

Volunteers’ Week is a great opportunity to acknowledge the amazing people that have been giving their time to support their fellow Hackney residents.

Say thanks online

If you work with or support volunteers , the Volunteers Week website is full of resources and ideas to help you show your appreciation for those that are supporting our community including online certificates. You might also want to have a thank you event or bring people together virtually. Some of the great ideas we’ve heard about from organisations include:

• Online games and quizzes
• Cook or Bake-Alongs
• Cuppa and a Catch Up
• Does someone have a secret skill they could share online, like yoga or how to draw?

My volunteers aren’t online

Phoning people to say thank you, explaining how their work has helped your groups and organisation to support the local community can go a long way. So does writing a personal card or letter to say thank you.

And with restrictions lifting there are potentials of some outdoors celebrations. According to the current government guideline, groups of up to 30 people will be allowed to meet at outdoors spaces by the first week of June. For many, this might be the first time we get to see us and other volunteers face to face in a long time. It would be a great opportunity to organise:

• A picnic at a local park
• A walk or walking tour
• Outdoors exercise group or sports event
• Join the Big Lunch

Plan a social media campaign

Volunteers Week website has lots of resources and ideas on how to use your social media channels to showcase the work of your volunteers. You could also include and encourage your volunteers to participate in this campaign by using their own social media platforms to post on their personal experience.

Spread the word out for those not yet volunteering at your organisation
• Organise some taster sessions to introduce your organisation and your volunteer roles to perspective volunteers
• Ask your existing volunteers if they could bring a friend.

We’d love to find out how you are celebrating a virtual Volunteers Week. Share what volunteers have been up to using the hashtags #VolunteersWeek and #HackneySpirit and remember to @vchackney!

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