Celebrating July’s Volunteer of the Month

This July, we celebrated Nic, one of our Community Befrienders. Nic’s volunteering has made a massive difference to an isolated Hackney resident (T) with depression who was regularly going to A&E.

This July, we celebrated Nic! He’s been a lifeline for an isolated Hackney resident (T) with depression who was regularly going to A&E.

Nic signed up to volunteer with VCH’s Community Befriending Programme 3 years ago. With training, supervisions, and support from our team, Nic developed a friendship with T. Over time, he was able to support T through homelessness, encouraging them to access local services including GP and advocacy services, until T moved into a new home.

3 years later, T’s life has completely changed. Their confidence has improved, they have a wider support network, a stable home, and no longer feels the need to go to A&E for companionship. 

Join Nic and help one of thousands of vulnerable adults in Hackney. 

Find out more about Community Befrienders and how you can get involved.

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