Making volunteering more accessible

Did you know? You can help make volunteering more accessible in less than an hour.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) recently published a report about volunteering across the UK. Their data indicates that equity, diversity and inclusion continue to be a challenge in volunteering. We know that volunteering opportunities need to be inclusive and meet the needs of a diverse range of people – at Volunteer Centre Hackney, we are committed to making volunteering accessible for everyone.

As part of that, we’re reviewing how our systems work, and we want to hear from you!

If you’ve used our VCConnect database to look for a volunteer role before, get in touch! We need volunteers to have a chat with Chris, our lovely User Experience Designer, on the phone, online or in our office on the 21st August. It would take less than an hour, and you’d get free snacks.

Whether you love VCConnect or hate it, knowing how you find searching for roles helps us adjust learn how to make volunteering easier for everyone.

Please email [email protected] or call us on 020 7241 4443 by the 15th August if you’re interested, we need as many people as possible!

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