Heritage Induction Day at Shoreditch Church

Shoreditch Church is a Grade 1 Listed national treasure, the resting place of Sheakpeare’s actors, situated quietly at the centre of Hackney life. This year we have been celebrating our connection to Shakespeare and his actors with a series of heritage arts events including a new exhibition ‘Shakespeare, Burbage and The Theatre’, thanks to a generous Heritage

Shoreditch Church is a Grade 1 Listed national treasure, the resting place of Sheakpeare’s actors, situated quietly at the centre of Hackney life. This year we have been celebrating our connection to Shakespeare and his actors with a series of heritage arts events including a new exhibition ‘Shakespeare, Burbage and The Theatre’, thanks to a generous Heritage Fund grant.

Next year in 2020 our beautiful newly restored Georgian building is 280 years old. A welcoming, inclusive place, we are seeking volunteers who love the history of this area to be trained so our church can open for the duration of the exhibition until the end of November, with opportunities beyond this time.

We are training all our volunteers on a Heritage Induction Day this Saturday 26th October 10am-3.30pm. Join us for the day – lunch is on us! To find out more about this opportunity, take a look at the role here.

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