Making things happen with Our Place

Each week, Volunteer Centre Hackney’s Our Place project hosts a weekly coffee morning on the New Kingshold Estate. Our Place brings local people together to spark discussions about how to improve their neighbourhood. We facilitate spaces and opportunities for residents to run their own sessions and activities- from gardening sessions to bingo nights-so that together

Each week, Volunteer Centre Hackney’s Our Place project hosts a weekly coffee morning on the New Kingshold Estate.

Our Place brings local people together to spark discussions about how to improve their neighbourhood. We facilitate spaces and opportunities for residents to run their own sessions and activities- from gardening sessions to bingo nights-so that together we can improve Hackney. We spoke to Fi, a service user and first time coffee go-er about her morning…

Hi Fi! Tell us about how you first got involved with Our Place.

Initially I got involved with Volunteer Centre Hackney to find volunteering and gain more skills and find more ways to be social. I reached out to VCH to get support on how to find suitable places and activities for me. I’m here today because Ian [Employment Advisor] invited me and it sounded fun and useful.

How has VCH helped you so far?

VCH has definitely been beneficial. Some days I think I don’t fit in, but I see people at VCH and have a chat…and feel so much better! Human beings are social creatures so without seeing people a few times a week I go crazy.

From what you’ve seen and done today, do you think you’ll get more involved with Our Place?

Our Place really suits me so yes I think so-even though it took me 20 minutes to walk here! Before I lived in London I lived in Portsmouth where I volunteered in social housing as a resident representative, and did a wellbeing group, so being here and using my skills to contribute has made me feel really worthwhile and happy. I’ll be coming again!

What sort of projects can Our Place help you with? Have you got any ideas from the people here today?

 Yes! Everyone chatting has given me more ideas to help people and different avenues to explore…any project where I can help people learn more and feel connected to the community to be honest! The people here are really quite inspiring- the things they have already done are great.

Coffee Mornings run each week on a Thursday morning at the New Kingshold Estate, 1 Alpine Grove E9 7SV, 10am-12.30pm. Have a hot drink on us and talk with your neighbours about how you can make Hackney a happier place.

If there’s something in your community you want to improve or you have a project idea and don’t know where to start, come and explore what can be achieved in our FREE Social Action Workshop on Wednesday 6 June. Find out more here!

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