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Community Development / Social Action Project Manager(s) post available , either part-time, 3 days per week (22.5 hrs) or full-time, 5 days per week (37.5 hrs) We are recruiting for one full-time or two part-time Community Development / Social Action Project Managers – to lead and develop the Our Place projects – our award winning

Community Development / Social Action Project Manager(s) post available , either part-time, 3 days per week (22.5 hrs) or full-time, 5 days per week (37.5 hrs)

We are recruiting for one full-time or two part-time Community Development / Social Action Project Managers – to lead and develop the Our Place projects – our award winning projects based on Hackney estates, that engage and enable local residents to deliver local services for themselves. Local residents from all backgrounds are supported to come together, to share their skills and experience for the benefit of each other to meet local need. In 2017, the project was awarded the ‘best community group contribution to community cohesion’ by Groundwork UK and last year was shortlisted for Team London’s best community engagement project.

With funding from Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund, we are seeking to expand our existing project in the New Kingshold area and launch a new project in Hoxton West. We need experts in community engagement who can coordinate a community-wide project, and manage and support Community Development Officers, who will be out on estates seeking to engage local residents.

You will have freedom to be creative, to lead your team of both staff and volunteers, to develop the project(s) as you feel is needed in the local area, and as determined by the skills and interests of its residents.

You will be experienced at motivating and enabling residents to volunteer, to design and deliver their own activities, helping them to overcome fears and barriers, and will feel confident to work in partnership with other statutory and voluntary organisations, to ensure our project complements existing services.

The role is mainly based in the community, with minimal office time, and so you will need to be self-motivating and confident to manage your own time and work-load as well as that of your team, to deliver a thriving and engaging project.

Please download the Community Development Managers (PBSA) Job Description and Application Form.

To apply for this role, please email your completed application form to Lauren Tobias, [email protected] by Monday morning , 17 June at 9am OR by post to Lauren Tobias, Volunteer Centre Hackney, 12-13 Springfield House, Tyssen St, London, E8 2LY.

However, if you complete your application before this deadline, please send it to us, as we are keen to start short-listing and to interview as soon as possible after the deadline. If you would like a hard copy of this Job Description and the Application Form posted to you, please call Lauren Tobias, on 020 7241 4443 extension 2001.

We would particularly like to encourage BAME/POC applicants. Please feel free to call Lauren on 020 7241 4443 extension 2001 to discuss your application and/or to find out more about the project.

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