We’re Recruiting a Project Coordinator

Community Befriending in Hackney has helped save countless lives through providing vital social companionship to hundreds of isolated residents during COVID – and is still needed as much as ever. There are still very high levels of isolation, through increased social anxiety, and mental health support needs, while people’s physical mobility has worsened, resulting in them

Community Befriending in Hackney has helped save countless lives through providing vital social companionship to hundreds of isolated residents during COVID – and is still needed as much as ever. There are still very high levels of isolation, through increased social anxiety, and mental health support needs, while people’s physical mobility has worsened, resulting in them being unable to leave their homes.

Our volunteers offer a crucial social lifeline and confidence boost to these service users by making either one to one weekly visits or phone calls, supporting people to leave their homes, overcome anxiety and enjoy local activities. They focus on the social relationship. Through their engagement, they also play a vital role in alerting us to arising needs such as housing issues, food and fuel poverty, which we then refer to appropriate services. Often the volunteer may be the only person the service user engages with over the course of the week, and is able to lift their mood by focusing on shared interests and by pursuing shared activities.

As Project Coordinator, you will help us to continue to provide a safe and effective programme, supporting us to:

  • Recruit a sufficient number of volunteers
  • Make suitable matches
  • Provide sufficient oversight and support to both parties

You will need to have experience of providing support to people who are classed as vulnerable, and with high support needs, in whatever capacity, and in being able to make appropriate risk assessments and suitable referrals to ensure they receive appropriate support. You will also have experience of recruiting, managing and supporting volunteers.

To apply for this role, please email completed application forms (all sections – A, B and C) to [email protected] by 9am on Monday 14th March 2022. If you have any questions about the role, please call Lauren on 020 7241 4443 ext 2001 or email her at [email protected].

Application Form

Job Description – Community Befrienders Project Coordinator

Project Coordinator Application Form Section A

Project Coordinator Application Form Section B

Project Coordinator Application Form Section C

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